Red Hat Partner

As a Red Hat Partner, our team e can help you acquire, implement, and support OpenShift and Ansible services, including EA, App Dev, and DevOps consulting to accelerate the benefits.

Bringing Open Source to the Enterprise

Whether for the data center, hybrid cloud, big data, or other use cases, companies need flexible, reliable, and cost-effective solutions. Red Hat has a proven track record of delivering on this demand. They’re the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, providing technologies and services to more than 90% of Fortune 500 companies.

Community-Powered Approach

Red Hat takes a community-powered approach to deliver high-performing cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies – leveraging the benefits of rapid innovation and collaboration in the community, while ensuring the stability and reliability of an enterprise lifecycle and technical support

Community-Powered Approach

Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat OpenShift is the leading enterprise Kubernetes platform: a security-focused, consistent foundation to deliver applications anywhere, with full-stack automated operations and streamlined developer workflows.

Key benefits of OpenShift include:

  • An integrated platform including container host, Kubernetes, and application lifecycle management using your choice of infrastructure.
  • Greater value from operations and development teams throughout the application lifecycle.
  • Faster application development cycles and more frequent software deployments with simpler installations and upgrades.
  • Lower IT operations costs and application portability across hybrid cloud and multi-cloud footprints.
Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat Ansible Automation

Red Hat Ansible Automation is a powerful tool for the orchestration of enterprise environments. Thousands of companies use Ansible to automate IT tasks across operating systems, servers, clouds, networks, and more. 

It enables companies to:

  • Simultaneously manage multiple diverse environments across the globe from a single dashboard. One person can manage multiple systems or deploy applications to various environments.
  • Maintain security and permissions by creating necessary separation and isolation of users and resources.
  • Provide disparate teams a centralized environment for automation. Groups can share playbooks and workflows across numerous teams, all while maintaining a clear separation.
Red Hat Ansible Automation

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